KC, Rebecca’s Husband, Discovers He Might Be a Highly Sensitive PersonLast week Rebecca’s husband, KC, said that he’d just come across a quiz that revealed that he was a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).  Rebecca, in what could be easily be called a highly insensitive response, literally laughed out loud and said, “You are not an Highly Sensitive Person!” KC Is …

If You Are a Highly Sensitive Person, Are You an Orchid, a Sunflower, A Rose, …? Click to Read Post »

Rebecca–Feeling Generous Gioia found a new word the other day: Ubuntu.  Apparently Ubuntu is a Zulu term for compassion and humanity, or human kindness.  It means, literally, “human-ness.” She had been looking for a way to describe what she and Rebecca witnessed recently when they were giving a keynote in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. They had been honored to participate in …

Ubuntu–The Universal Bond that Connects Us All Click to Read Post »