Rebecca–Sails Peter Drucker, often called the founder of modern business management, was famous for suggesting that when we focus more on strengths, our weaknesses become irrelevant.   Robert Biswas-Diener, one of our favorite positive psychologists, has a really great take on this idea.  He says that it isn’t that we should ignore our weaknesses, and at times we may actually have …

Your Strengths Are Your Sails Click to Read Post »

Jenny Wilkinson–Mandala We at CWW are blessed with a very specific signature strength-Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence.  One might assume that everyone is endowed with this quality.  And yes most people do have visual preferences-evident in the colors they choose to paint their rooms, the way they arrange their living space, the particular flair they have in their style of …

Bitten by the Beauty Bug Click to Read Post »