Books and Publications

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Positive Art Therapy Theory and Practice: Integrating Positive Psychology and Art Therapy by Rebecca Wilkinson and Gioia Chilton

Positive Art Therapy Theory and Practice: Integrating Positive Psychology and Art Therapy
An entertaining and practical tool for anyone looking to apply the most current theory and research on positive psychology and art therapy to their practice, or their life! For faculty who might want to adopt this book as a text, we added thoughtful discussion questions, a robust glossary, and useful lists of strengths and values.

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282 pages
19 Color Illustrations
80 of our favorite positive art therapy directives
Hardcover, $155.00
Paperback, $39.95
Kindle $28.95

Coloring Creates Wellbeing: The Desert Mandalas Coloring Book Illustrated by Rebecca Wilkinson

Coloring Creates Wellbeing: The Desert Mandalas Coloring Book
Showcasing the magical flora and fauna of the Arizona Sonoran desert to help you relax, reduce your stress, and get you into flow.  Includes an introduction on the benefits of coloring and suggestions for coloring.

10% of proceeds donated to the American Cancer Society

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$26 for 30 Unique Designs
Spiral Bound so pages lie flat
Larger 10 x 10 inch format  
Printed on heavier one-sided paper so no bleed through 


Book Chapters

Chilton, G. & Wilkinson, R.A. (In Press, 2021).  Positive Art Therapy: Synergy of Positive Psychology and Art Therapy. In C. Aguerre & G. Chasseigne (Eds). Diversity and Topicality of Positive Psychology.  Paris, France: Complicity Editions. (Psychology and Everyday Life coll.).

Scotti, V. & Chilton, G. (2018). Collage as Arts-Based Research. In P. Leavy (Ed.), Handbook of Arts-based Research. (pp. 355-376).  New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Chilton, G. & Wilkinson, R.A. (2016).  Positive Art Therapy. In J. Rubin (Ed.), Approaches to Art Therapy, Theory and Technique, 3rd Edition.  New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Chilton, G. & Leavy, P. (2014).  Arts-Based Research Practice: Merging Social Research and the Creative Arts. In P. Leavy (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Methods (pp. 403-422).  New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Gerber, N., Templeton, E., Chilton, G., Cohen Liebman, Manders E., & Shim, M. (2013).  Art based research as a pedagogical approach studying intersubjectivity in the Creative Arts Therapies.  In S. McNiff, (Ed.), Art as Research: Opportunities & Challenges (pp. 39-48). University of Chicago Press: Intellects Books.

Chilton, G. (2013). Artful appreciations: Gratitude journaling. PAGES: The Creative Guide for Art Journaling and Bookmaking, Vol. 3.


Chilton, G. Lynskey, K., Ohnstad, E. & Manders, E. (2020).  A case of El Duende: Art-based supervision in addiction treatmentAmerican Journal of Art Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2020.1771138

Wilkinson, R.A. (2020). How to teach about art therapy. The Noba Project Blog.  Published 11/11/2020.

Wilkinson, R.A. (2018). What is art therapy and how does it help? Sober World (7)5 21, 30. v

Chilton, G. & Wilkinson, R.A. (2016) Exploring strengths through masks: Art therapy from a positive psychology perspective. American Art Therapy Association Blog.  Available:

Wilkinson, R.A. (2016). Attending to the good.  How focusing on your blessings makes you happier and healthier.  Vibrant Life (July/August) 12-13.

Chilton, G., Gerber, N., Bechtel, A., Councill, T., Dreyer, M., & Yingling, E. (2015). The art of positive emotions: Expressing positive emotions within the intersubjective art making process (L’art des émotions positives : exprimer des émotions positives à travers le processus artistique intersubjectif). Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal, 28(1-2), 12-25. Open access:

Chilton, G., Gerber, N. & Scotti, V. (2015).   Towards an aesthetic intersubjective paradigm for arts-based research: An art therapy perspective. Special Edition of UNESCO Observatory refereed e-journal, Multidisciplinary Research in the Arts. Open access:

Chilton, G., Gerber, N., Councill, T., & Dreyer, M. (2015).  I followed the butterflies: Poetry of positive emotions in art therapy research. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 2(1), 1026019. doi:10.1080/23311983.2015.1026019  Open access:

Wilkinson, R.A. (2015). How to quit quitting: 6 ways to overcome resistance and stick with an exercise. Vibrant Life (September/October) 10-11.

Wilkinson, R.A. (2015). What is your superpower? Identify your character strengths and put them into action.  Vibrant Life (March/April), 26-29.

Wilkinson, R.A. (2014). Mind over matter: How to use stress management to fight disease.  Vibrant Life (July/August), 24-27.

Wilkinson, R.A. (2014). The art of health: How to use art therapy to manage your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Vibrant Life (May/June), 26-29.

Wilkinson, R.A. (2014). The bounce back plan: 10 steps to help you survive set-backs and letdowns.. Vibrant Life (March/April), 19-21.

Chilton, G. & Scotti, V. (2014).   Snipping, gluing, and writing: An exploration of collage as arts-based research practice.  Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 31(4), 163-171. doi:10.1080/07421656.2015.963484

Chilton, G. (2013).  Altered inquiry: Discovering arts-based research through an altered bookInternational Journal of Qualitative Methods, 12, 457-477. Available via open access:

Chilton, G. (2013).  Art Therapy and flow: A review of the literature and applications. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 30(2), 64-70.  

Manders, E., & Chilton, G. (2013). Translating the essence of dance: Rendering meaning in artistic inquiry of the creative arts therapies. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 14(16).  Open access:

Wilkinson, R.A. & Chilton, G. (2013). Positive art therapy: Linking positive psychology to art therapy theory, practice, and research. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 30(1), 4-11.

Gerber, N., Templeton, E., Chilton, G., Cohen Liebman, Manders E., & Shim, M. (2013).  Art based research as a pedagogical approach studying intersubjectivity in the Creative Arts Therapies.  Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 3(1) 39-48.

Schreibman, R. & Chilton, G. (2012).  Small waterfalls in art therapy supervision: A poetic appreciative inquiry [Special Issue: Art Therapy Education].  Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 29(4), 188-191.

Chilton, G. & Wilkinson, R.A. (2009). Positive art therapy: Envisioning the intersection of art therapy and positive Psychology.  Australia and New Zealand Journal of Art Therapy, 4 (1) 27-35.

Chilton, G., Gerity, L., LaVorgna-Smith, M., & MacMichael, H. (2009). An on-line art exchange group: 14 secrets for a happy artist’s life.  Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 26(2) 66-72.

Chilton, G. (2007).  Altered books in art therapy with adolescents.  Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 24(2), 59-63.

Wilkinson, R.A. (1994). The versatility of art therapy: From children in a psycho-educational facility to adults in a psychiatric hospital. Unpublished master’s thesis, George Washington University, Washington, DC.

Wilkinson, R.A. (1993). Comparative research on the 1989 and 1994 Mari Card.  Unpublished research, George Washington University, Washington, DC.

Book Reviews

Wilkinson, R.A. (2019). A review of “Art therapy for psychosis: Theory and practice”. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association (36),221-222

Chilton, G. (2018) A review of “Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching: Honoring Presence“,  Art Therapy, Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 35:4, 221-222, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2018.1553892

Chilton, G. (2014).  Arts Based Research [Review of the book, Arts Based Research by T. Barone & E. W. Eisner]. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 31(4), 192-193. doi:10.1080/07421656.2015.964054

Media Appearances

03/2022 “Rebecca Wilkinson Interviewed by Podcaster Robin Smith”
The Robin Smith Show
https:/The RobinSmithShow

10/2021 “Art Therapy: Creating Lasting Change”
Interview with Rebecca on Art Therapy
Natural Awakenings Tucson

10/2020 “Ground Zeroes”
Panel with Max Frieder, Eric Murangwa, Zak Ibrahim, Sharon Mattson, Markus Fath, Alta Mauro, and Rebecca Wilkinson on overcoming difficulties.
Portal 4 Dialogue

9/2020 “What Will You Remember When This Crisis is Over?”
Panel with Daryl Davis, Ian Jamison, Arno Michaelis, and Rebecca Wilkinson on responses to the Pandemic
Portal 4 Dialogue

12/2018 “The Gym”
Interview with Rebecca
The Depression Sessions with Laura Milkins

9/2018 “Art Therapy & Mental Health: A Sit Down with Dr. Chilton”
Interview with Gioia
Sugar Magazine Self-Care Edition

9/2016 “Unconventional Art and Therapy”
Interview with Rebecca
Sex, Money, Food Alexandra Harbushka: Real World Woman

1/2012 “Cultivating Positive Emotions”
Interview with Rebecca
Just BEE Seminars

4/2011 “Positive Psychology and Art Therapy”
Interview with Rebecca and Gioia
Sittdown Radio Show with Dr. David Sitt

6/2005 “Therapists Find Music and Art Truly Do Have Charms to Soothe and Heal”
Featuring Rebecca
East Valley Tribune (Arizona) 

9/2004 “Art Therapy in Psychiatric Inpatient Settings”
Interview with Rebecca
Freedom of Art: Let Freedom Art Ring with Ericha Scott, Ph.D, REAT, ATR
Access Tucson Television, Channel 72, Tucson, AZ

10/1999 “Drawing Strength from Art: Young Cancer Patients Express Their Feelings through Pictures”
Featuring Gioia
The Washington Times

11/1999 “Woman-to-Woman on Race and More: Dialogues Online”
Featuring Gioia
Digital City: Washington, DC

3/1998 “Use Art As a Tool for Communication”
Featuring Gioia
The Washington Post, Washington, DC

4/1996 “Art Therapy”
Interview with Gioia
The Sunday Papers WHFS Radio, Washington, DC

8/1995 “The Gift of Creation”
In “Positive Impact/Artists Who Care”
Featuring Gioia
The Washington Post, Washington, DC