Gioia–How to Be Happier Concrete Steps to Improve Positivity Myers Briggs Feelers/Positive or Negative Feelings?Gioia and Rebecca are both Feelers on the Myers Briggs Personality Type. In fact, Gioia and Rebecca have the exact same profile—Extrovert/Intuitive/Feeler/Perceiver (ENFP).  However, where they differ is that Gioia is prone to positive emotions (joy, connection, contentment, energy) and Rebecca negative ones (anxiety, guilt, anger). …

HowTo Feel Better When You Don’t Click to Read Post »

Jenny–Heart Warmth Gioia and Rebecca often joke that despite the fact that they share the exact same profile on the Myers-Briggs–they are both heavily weighed on the scale of extroverted, feeling, and intuitive perceivers–they are opposites in their natural dispositions. Gioia is generally light, energetic, and buoyant while Rebecca is more frequently anxious, moody, and easily fatigued. Because they are …

How Feeling Good Changes Your Mind Click to Read Post »

Rebecca–Sails Peter Drucker, often called the founder of modern business management, was famous for suggesting that when we focus more on strengths, our weaknesses become irrelevant.   Robert Biswas-Diener, one of our favorite positive psychologists, has a really great take on this idea.  He says that it isn’t that we should ignore our weaknesses, and at times we may actually have …

Your Strengths Are Your Sails Click to Read Post »