Creative Wellbeing Workshops

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Welcome to the CWW Blog 

Explore 120+ posts on wellbeing and creativity.   Feel free to download, print, and distribute any the posts.  We ask that you not alter any visual or written content without our permission and please properly cite anything you use.

barbara fredrickson
Wilkinson Rebecca

Micro-Moments of Positivity

Tabitha-Things I Enjoy Last month, we talked about the negativity bias and the “Broaden and Build Theory of Positive Emotions.”  The Broaden and Build Theory refers to the broadening effect that positive emotions and experiences have on what we perceive

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barbara fredrickson
Wilkinson Rebecca

How Feeling Good Changes Your Mind

Jenny–Heart Warmth Gioia and Rebecca often joke that despite the fact that they share the exact same profile on the Myers-Briggs–they are both heavily weighed on the scale of extroverted, feeling, and intuitive perceivers–they are opposites in their natural dispositions.

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Wilkinson Rebecca

In the Moment and Long-Term Coping

Gioia–Symbol of Strength and Perseverance One of our clients recently added a nuance to our approach to managing stress and developing resilience. She identified that she parses her “toolbox” of coping strategies into two categories–techniques she uses “in the moment”

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Benefit Finding
Wilkinson Rebecca

Making Meaning From Scribbles

Lee–To Be or Not To Be We often talk about how important meaning-making is to happiness. At its simplest this is to say that what we believe about what is happening to and around us dramatically affects our happiness. Key

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Best Possible Life

Best Possible Life Vision Boards

Annie’s Vision Board 2019 The other day, Gioia was asked to run a ” Vision Board” workshop and thought, “I’ve never led one but they sound like a very art therapy-ish kind of thing!” Vision boards are essentially any kind

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Wilkinson Rebecca

Human Beings versus Human Doings

Rebecca–Sun Bath Coloring Sheet John Bradshaw, author of the seminal book Healing the Shame that Binds You, was one of the first people to introduce into modern vernacular the notion that we are Human BE-ings not Human DO-ings. This catchy

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