Creative Wellbeing Workshops

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Welcome to the CWW Blog 

Explore 120+ posts on wellbeing and creativity.   Feel free to download, print, and distribute any the posts.  We ask that you not alter any visual or written content without our permission and please properly cite anything you use.

Carol Dweck
Wilkinson Rebecca

Try and Try Again: The Worst It Can Do Is Suck

Dave Moyer–Daily Self-Portrait Practice October 2016 An old friend of Rebecca’s, David Moyer, who has been an artist for over 50 years, has just now decided he’s going to teach himself how to draw.  Even though he went to Pratt

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affirmation touchstones
Tabitha Chilton

Affirmations: the Three P’s

Gioia–Affirmation Stones September 2016 Here at Creative Wellbeing Workshops we often get asked how to be more positive, but it’s not always easy to just “think positive!”  We sometimes need gentle reminders to shift negative trains of thought. Affirmations are short

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Center for Applied Positive Psychology Realise
Wilkinson Rebecca

Your Strengths Are Your Sails

Rebecca–Sails Peter Drucker, often called the founder of modern business management, was famous for suggesting that when we focus more on strengths, our weaknesses become irrelevant.   Robert Biswas-Diener, one of our favorite positive psychologists, has a really great take on

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Joan Kellogg
Wilkinson Rebecca

Mandala Magic

Blank Mandala July 2016 Those of you who know us-who have attended one of our workshops or trainings-know that we love mandalas.  Big mandalas, small mandalas, coloring mandalas, all kinds of mandalas!  Although in some ways mandalas are nothing more

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Tabitha Chilton

Hello, Change!

Tabitha–On The Road This month’s newsletter is a little different, because it is written by a sixteen-year-old girl. I am Gioia Chilton’s daughter, Tabitha. Gioia and Rebecca were experiencing a lot of changes and couldn’t write this newsletter.  So I

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appreciation of beauty
Wilkinson Rebecca

Bitten by the Beauty Bug

Jenny Wilkinson–Mandala We at CWW are blessed with a very specific signature strength-Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence.  One might assume that everyone is endowed with this quality.  And yes most people do have visual preferences-evident in the colors they choose

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