Creative Wellbeing Workshops

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Welcome to the CWW Blog 

Explore 120+ posts on wellbeing and creativity.   Feel free to download, print, and distribute any the posts.  We ask that you not alter any visual or written content without our permission and please properly cite anything you use.

Rebecca Wilkinson, ATR-BC, LCPAT

Self-Symbols: Butterfly or Dragonfly

Gioia-Dragonfly Altered Book A few years back, Gioia went on a butterfly binge. Butterflies showed up all the time in her artwork. It seemed to make sense that butterflies appeared—she was going through a lot of changes in her life,

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Rebecca Wilkinson, ATR-BC, LCPAT

Warming Up to Flow

Rebecca-Ripped letter in Altered Book At CWW, we often sing the virtues of getting into flow and, of course, we suggest that doing art is a natural way for people to experience it. Flow is that state we achieve when

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attributional style
Rebecca Wilkinson, ATR-BC, LCPAT

The Optimist and The Pessimist

Gioia-Serenity Prayer Gioia and Rebecca have a running joke about being diametrically opposed in both mood and also our general levels of optimism versus pessimism. Those of you who know them personally can probably easily identify that Gioia is the

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Broaden and Build Theory

Savoring Flowers–and Friends

Gioia’s Friend Sarah at Her Farm with Annie and Tabitha Last weekend Gioia took her family to visit her old friend, Sarah, who farms on Maryland’s beautiful Eastern shore.  They arrived in the early evening after a wonderful day of

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Rebecca Wilkinson, ATR-BC, LCPAT

Joan’s Stones: Aging Creatively

Joan Sadler–Leaves Falling “All the things that I was before I aren’t any more.” Leaves by Joan Sadler from Joan’s Stones We all had to stay straight and properin our former lives on the tree;now down from that cover,it’s fun

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Alex Linley

It’s in the Way That You Use It

Gioia–Sisters Gioia and Rebcca have adopted the title “Strengths Spotters,” from the work of one of their positive psychology heroes, Robert Biswas-Diener.   Not only is it a part of their work and the work of most therapists, but they are

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