Welcome to the CWW Blog
Explore 120+ posts on wellbeing and creativity. Feel free to download, print, and distribute any the posts. We ask that you not alter any visual or written content without our permission and please properly cite anything you use.
What/Who Is Your True Self? And How To See It
Who are you?Who are you? And who are you not? For that matter, who are you that you don’t want to be? And even better yet, what parts would you like to cultivate more? We Ask These Questions of You
Realize/Real Eyes: Shifting Perceptions
Seeing More “Reality” When we write our newsletters we always try to find a photo or piece of art to illustrate whatever topic we’re exploring. This month we’d decided to write about shifting perceptions but hadn’t yet found a fitting
Take Aways on Happiness and Wellbeing/Why Positive Psychology Still Matters To Us (and You)
Year In ReviewAt the end of every year we do an exercise–the “Year in Review”–going through the year and listing what impacted us and what we accomplished (click here for a hand out with instruction on doing a YIR). Bigger
Attending to the Good versus Gratitude/How to Actually Get Grateful
We know being grateful makes people happier—it also makes them healthier, more resilient, and more connected to others. But how do we actually build the gratitude muscle? Gratitude journals? Gratitude lists? Counting your blessings and good fortune? Attending to the
2023 New Series “Art for Self-Discovery: How to Analyze Your Art To See What It Is Communicating” Free Monthly Workshops
Please feel free to share this information with any friends, family, colleagues, community members or organizations, etc. that you feel would benefit. Just use the zoom link below but please do not post the zoom link itself to any public platforms like
Why It’s So Hard for Some of Us/The Story We Tell About Our Lives
Why is it that some of us who have been blessed with so much in life still find living so difficult? Rebecca and her friend Amy mused at this perplexing phenomenon as they commiserated on how challenging life had always seemed